Friday, September 3

Artistic Side

This week in Bread Class, we worked with Dead doughs. Never heard of it until a few weeks ago, but quite intresting I must say. We were meant to gather ideas, bring a drawing/ picture of the idea and present it to our chef.

I Googled "dead dough' and printed anything that looks intresting. Settled for a sketching I saw on another blog and used the little creative side I was given to bring it to life.

Pictures coming soon...

Wednesday, September 1


Hello All,


Really something I should have started a while back, but better late than never...

This blog was made to share my pictures and get feedback on my baked product. Not a writer, so do not expect me to write paragraphs and paragraphs of stuff. 

Wanted to do the Julie and Julia thing but based on a baking/pastry book. Still contemplating because everyone seems to be on a diet nowadays, kinda have to know where I will be dumping the baked products. When that's in place will set a deadline and start.

Will keep you guys posted. GTG... "Got to go"